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Our Trustworthy Pendio Team

We are a dedicated team which specialises in market valuations and/or replacements valuations for all
residential, commercial and agricultural properties (as well as servitudes, where applicable).

Our Trustworthy Pendio Team​

Blanche van Zyl

Professional Associated Valuer & Appraiser.
NDip (Real Estate). Member of SAIV

Blanche is a Professional Associated Valuer (without restrictions), with 10 years practical experience in the property valuation industry. He was registered as a Professional Associated Valuer in 2011.

His career as a valuer commenced in 2008 as a candidate valuer for Phill Minnaar Valuations, travelling extensively and has undertaken valuations in most metropolitan areas in South Africa. This has enabled him to obtain maximum exposure to the various property types and gain in-depth knowledge of the appropriate valuation methodologies and best practices.

He has conducted valuations for a variety of purposes including acquisition, disposal, deceased estates, mortgage lending, investment, and financial reporting, insurance, expropriation, rating and municipal objections.

He has an engineering/farming and hospitality background supporting his current career.

Our Trustworthy Pendio Team​

Heindré van Vuuren

Candidate Valuer.
Registration number: 7679/1

Heindré is a candidate valuer with 5 years’ experience, currently busy with his National Diploma in Real Estate at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

He is part of Pendio Valuers since 2014. He is doing residential valuations all over the Gauteng region with more than 5000 valuations completed in the west and east rand of Gauteng.

Valuations include all types of residential dwellings, sectional developments, small holdings, vacant stands, motor vehicles, household content and any other moveable items.

He comes from a retail background, including furniture and electronics retail, also spending some in a catering environment. We are utilizing all this experience in our movables valuations, always striving to provide an al round professional and affiant service to our clients.